Stake your tokens to claim JLP that was created after bonding
After Launch
after a token successfully gets out of the bonding curve phase, all remaining tokens are added to the LP and sent to the Nursery.
Users will be allowed to stake their tokens and receive JLP proportional to their amount staked.
Every epoch (6 hours) users that have staked will be able to claim this reward on the Bellum website under the token page.
The rate at which JLP is distributed to holders is 0.25% every epoch or ~1% every day.
Users can deposit any amount of their tokens into the Nursery. Any unclaimed rewards will be claimed automatically before the deposit is made.
There is a 6 Epoch window before a user can withdraw their tokens. This is calculated from the last epoch that a claim was made.
Users can withdraw their staked tokens after this window. Any unclaimed rewards will be claimed automatically before the deposit is made.
Emergency Withdrawal
Emergency withdrawals can be done anytime, and it does not autoclaim rewards.
There is currently a bug that allows users to bypass the 6 epoch withdraw period by callingemergencyWithdrawal
. This are plans to change this in the future.
Calculating Rewards
JLP is distributed to stakers every epoch at a rate of 0.25% every epoch. This is 0.25% of the total JLP balance of the contract at the time of claiming.
Lets say John owns 1% of the total supply of a token that was just launched ($TOKEN). If he stakes all his $TOKEN in the Nursery and claims after 4 epoch. He will be able to claim (4 * 0.25% * 1%) of the total JLP in the contract.
In this case, if there was 10000 JLP in the contract at the time of claiming, John would receive 1 JLP.
These rewards will remain until there are no more JLP in the Nursery
Burning LP feature
As of Oct. 31, 2024 there is a burn LP feature on the nursery page that allows people to burn whatever LP tokens they want to support their project.
Bellum is not responsible for any token lost through this feature. Please DYOR when interacting with this feature.
Last updated